We offer support services for anyone who has been affected by sexual violence. If you’re lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender and have experienced sexual abuse, rape or assault, we’re here to help you through the recovery process.

People within the LGBTQ community who experience such events often have to deal with additional issues such as stereotyping, prejudice and the prospect of their sexual orientation or gender identity being revealed publicly.

Our highly trained, all-female team of support workers can support you with all of these aspects.

If you’re LGBTQ, you may experience some threats, barriers and unique stresses that make it difficult for you to approach people and ask for help. Our team understands these fears and concerns, and will listen to what you have to say, discuss your concerns and offer impartial, experience-led advice.

Some common concerns for LGBTQ people who have been victims of sexual violence are:

  • feeling ashamed about what has happened;
  • fear of no one believing their story;
  • a lack of support from their own community (both on- and offline);
  • feeling they will have to ‘come out’ if they reveal what has happened; and
  • fear of betraying the LGBTQ community if they report an assault by someone who identifies as LGBTQ.

What happens when I contact NRC?

If you contact the team at NRC, they will help you make your own choices. We have significant experience working with LGBTQ people of every age, and we can help you cope with sexual violence, whether it took place last night or fifty years ago.

If you’re yet to speak to anyone, it may help you to talk to us, because we know that sexual violence affects everyone in different ways.

If you’d like to speak confidentially to someone at NRC, please do not hesitate to contact us whenever you’re ready.