If you’re a young person or the parent or carer of a child affected by sexual violence or abuse, we can help you.

We have a dedicated single point of contact for all children and young people. The role of Children and Young Person’s Independent Sexual Violence Advisor (ChISVA) is funded by BBC Children in Need and allows us to provide a wide range of practical and emotional support.  

If you contact us you can expect to hear back from our ChISVA within 48 hours. She will talk to you on the phone and then arrange to meet with you to find out more about your situation and let you know exactly how we can help. The sort of help we can provide includes:

  • explaining the legal process if you want to report to the police;
  • arranging and going with you to appointments;
  • supporting you via telephone whenever you need to talk;
  • providing access to therapeutic groups for young people;
  • helping your parents and siblings to understand what you are going through and how they can support you;
  • being a central point of contact to represent your needs to social services, police, schools and other agencies; and
  • being with you to make statements, attend court and make sure you are always aware of your legal rights.

We can meet with you at our centre in Northampton or a convenient location such as a local GP surgery or your school. You can choose where you’d like to meet and the time that would be most convenient. All children and young people will need to be accompanied by a parent or care giver when visiting our centre.

Please email [email protected]or call us on 01604 250721 to find out how we can help you.


We have a team of dedicated counsellors who can work through the recovery process with you.  

We’ll let you know if counselling is right for you, after you have met with our ChISVA and discussed your needs. If counselling is recommended then you will be referred into our counselling service and matched with a counsellor. There is often a waiting list, but we’ll keep you updated regularly on how long the wait is likely to be.

Once you begin your counselling you’ll see the same person at the same time each week. 

If you’d like to know more about how counselling can help then please take a look at our counselling page for more details.


We have a range of age appropriate curriculum-based resources to help raise awareness of consent, healthy relationships, pornography and many other subjects. 

Please call or email to arrange a meeting to discuss how we could help your students navigate their way through these challenges.